2024 HOA Assessments
The HOA Dues for the year 2024 are due on February 29, 2024. All statements will be mailed out in the month of January.
Note: If you have a past due balance from 2023 - please include this balance with your 2024 HOA dues. We plan to file civil court actions against any homeowner who owes past due assessments from 2023 or earlier especially if we have not heard from you.
Important: Taylor's Trace Subdivision has a ZERO TOLERANCE Policy for Illegal Activity of any kind. If you suspect any illegal activity please contact any member of Board by visiting the Contact Us page of the website. Thank you in advance for your Cooperation.
Taylor's Trace Subdivision established a Neighborhood Watch Program in partner with the
Clayton County Police Department in 2010. If you are still interested in serving on this Committee, we would love to hear from you. Marvin Rivers is the Neighborhood Watch Captain
and can be reached at 770-851-2635.
The Ellenwood Police Precinct for Sector 1 is now open. The grand opening was held on March 9, 2016. This is really great news for our community as the new precinct will service our neighborhood and other surrounding communities. The Police Commander in charge is Captain Christopher Windley. We will utilize this precinct when available for future HOA Meetings.
Clayton County does have a Noise Ordinance. Please note that Loud Music is prohibited in our subdivision. We are a residential community so please ask your guests to refrain from playing extremely loud music. Thank you for helping us keep our neighborhood pleasant for everyone.